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Viardo pentru hipertensiune

Pauline Viardot (1821–1910) was one of the most extraordinary women in the history of music. Daughter of the Spanish tenor Manuel García and sister of the mezzo-soprano Maria Malibran, she studied piano with Liszt and counterpoint and harmony with Reicha, made her debut, also as a mezzo, at the age of sixteen and went on to inspire composers of the stature of Berlioz, Chopin, Gounod.

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pentru. imperative of pentri; Romanian Etymology From the older printru, from pre + întru, or possibly directly from Latin.

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Vladimir Viardo (born 1949 at Krasnia Polana in the Caucasus, USSR), is a Russian pianist. The first steps in music he did with his mother, classical singer, voice teacher and pianist Nathalia Viardo.
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